Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Petit Fours

I got the recipe out of this lovely little book called Hello, Cupcake! They have sooo many adorable ways to decorate cupcakes... They have these kitty ones that I want to make!!
I LOVED these ones they're all of my favorite colors and they're so pretty. They remind me of Marie Antoinette!

Friday, June 26, 2009


I know people who think it's funny that he died... Well it's not. He changed what pop means to the world, he started a whole revolution and did that many others were afraid to do; he inspired people. It's not easy being a pop star, yet he handled everything he was put through with grace. He was never afraid to try new things, he just wanted to dance and perform. He'll always be the King of Pop!

Farrah Fawcett, one of the most beautiful people ever! She started out with almost nothing, as a Catholic school girl in Texas, and rose to be one of the best of the best in Hollywood. She was a sex symbol, trendsetter, icon, and over all an amazing actress. She battled with cancer but didn't give up.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Sienna Miller On the Cover

I'm sooo happy Sienna Miller is on the cover of July VOGUE! She's so fabulous... I know she's been on the cover several times, but it never gets old! And especially now that she's in a BROADWAY show! She is one of my favorite actresses of all time.

She's so gorgeous

Sienna Miller as Edie Sedgwick in Factory Girl, one of my favorite movies ever!

Guy Pierce as Andy Warhol, and Sienna as Edie.